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Con el bajo costo de $5 por mes, puede ayudar a su familia a ahorrar miles.

    Asegure grandes descuentos en productos de alta calidad. Los beneficios de vida también están incluidos.


    La membresía de Legacy Assurance le da tranquilidad a sus seres queridos . El día que te unas a este programa especial, los precios de ataúdes, urnas, monumentos y bóvedas se quedan fijos… PARA SIEMPRE. Un gran beneficio para todos. Los beneficios de vida también están incluidos, por lo que puede ahorrar miles en accesorios para diabéticos con descuento, suministros auditivos y servicios de telesalud.open linkmy blogelf bar bogotaphone case designclick to read

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    Yo acepto pagar una tarifa mensual de $5.00 por estos servicios. Acepto los Términos y Condiciones de Legacy Assurance. Reconozco que esta información se está enviando de forma segura. Mi información no será compartida con terceros.

    accepted payment methods are visa, mastercard, american express, and discover

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    As a part of the Legacy team, Charo helps the families of our valued members select the right monument for their loved ones. Charo also oversees communication between your family and your selected cemetery in a timely manner.

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    As a part of the Legacy team, Genesis helps families just like yours during one of the most vulnerable times in their life— during the loss of a loved one.

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    As a part of the Legacy team, Katelyn is responsible for processing new business, ensuring that our Legacy team has all the information we need to assist your family at the time of your passing. Katelyn also helps our valued members on a daily basis with any questions they may have.

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    As a part of the Legacy team, Jaimie is responsible for processing new business, ensuring that our Legacy team has all the information we need to assist your family at the time of your passing. Jaimie also helps our valued members on a daily basis with any questions they may have.

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    Created in 2013, Legacy Assurance has seen its strongest growth through the leadership of Director Catherine Conner. Catherine has built a team that understands how to help grieving families. She has also taught them how to negotiate through the complex pricing of funeral homes, in an effort to provide members the lowest price possible.

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